M5 Reviews

Just dropping you a line, skied today for the first time on M5’s. What the hell (or heck if you’re editing), where have you been all my life, I love these boards, they’re incredible, phenomenal, awesome, in many other adjectives. Thank you Jared and Eric for getting me hooked up. Cheers!!!!


A-lotta Reviews

I wanted to let you know that the A-Lotta’s that I bought from you are still completely amazing! We haven’t had much new snow here (Whitewater in Nelson) but they keep on performing. These ski’s mainline powder, pound through crud and actually really do hold a good edge on the groomers, I had to feel it to believe it.

It really was chance that made it all happen. I was a little bored with my usual ride and I thought to myself ‘lets check out the biggest most intimidating looking powder ski there is’ and after poking my head around the tents set up for the Cold Smoke Powder Event I saw the A-Lotta’s, they Definitely fit the bill.

After 2 runs I was completely sold on them and had to buy them. WARNING to anyone who is a strong skier that loves to push the limit, if you try this ski you will have to have a pair, nothing really compares to this ski!

The only possible thing that could be a negative factor to be rocking around with these boards, is that EVERYONE that you meet will need to talk to you about how wickedly amazing they look. So far(selfishly), what I don’t tell people is how surprisingly easy they are to turn no matter what conditions, and what a stable platform they have to give any strong skier confidence.

I really can’t overstate how much I love these ski’s, and I would love to talk to anyone about them.

I’ll see you on the hill! Will Field, CSIA level 3

People are amazed by what can be done on this ski, I even put the hurt on a CSIA4 through some slalom gates with them last season.And the bases are tough as nails,was sure a few shark fin hits were going to be core shots only to find a scuff on the base. I love this ski.


So I’m riding the 2009 A-Lottas up here in Tahoe. It’s March 21, 2011 right now and I don’t know if you’ve seen the snow reports…um, but it’s been snowing a little-I think last weeks total was 65-70″. In between lift rides where I’m forced to answer questions, from the 40 something who switched from skiing to snowboarding to be “cool”, regarding why I just don’t snowboard with skis that big-the obvious differences between snowboarding and skiing alluding them-I have been riding some classic Sierra tree powder. These skis are like supermodels strapped to my feet! They are beautiful and I will ride them anywhere. The skis ride the tightest spaced trees with ease, and when I get greedy and end up stuck up to my chest in a gully-they’re still light enough for me to stomp out an exit. You guys made the fat chick that is not only fun to ride-you want your friends to see. Well I love you guys and my skis. I tell everyone who asks about them just to buy a pair and ride them (like a supermodel). I’m hoping to find enough cash before next season to buy a pair of the rocker or early rise Allotas. As much as I wish for both, I’ll be happy to afford one pair. Any commentary on the difference in the ways each ride compared to the originals? Well thanks again for the sexiest skis I’ve ever ridden.

2 superhero seasons and counting, Adam

Dude, those skis are the greatest thing I’ve ever slid on, I got to ski them on 24″ of heavy snow, felt like butter, then 36″ of blower, they floated through everything, no ice, but I can see that they would hold a rail!!!!! You are the man for coming up with this design, lots of people gave me shit for skiing with something bigger than water skis, I asked them if they wanted to try them, they were all scared!!!

Great job, thanks! Tim

Hi, I bought the A-Lotta 180cm. What a ski; they stomp the powder and what surprised me and the rest of the resort was the way they handled the groomers, ice, crud and slush (European style). Couldnt believe that a ski with 140mm under foot could be so versatile. Leaps ahead of my old Mantras which were like steering trees.


My name is Tim, I stopped by your place last summer and picked up a couple of pairs of 2009 Alottas. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know what a great experience I had with them this past weekend. A few friends and I made a trip to Wolf Creek to get some of that POW they were getting hammered with. I have never ripped so hard or enjoyed myself in the POW as much as I did this past weekend, thanks to my new boards! I felt SUPER confident on the steeps and was simply shocked on how tight I could rip in the trees with such a FAT ski, AMAZING! A+++ to Fat-ypus!!!!!

Thanks again, Tim

Fat-ypus: I have been a ski fanatic now for 20 plus years, every year or two a new ski will come out and boost the performance factor, that said, I decided to answer the question about the hype on your boards that I read in resent ski mags. So I took off with an a-lotta a d-sender plus several other top skis. Powder test on the a-lotta is off the chart fun; tight in the trees, wide open on faces, and builds confidence for steeps, defiantly the best pow board I have ever ridden. Now to wind blown crud, this is where most people hack, including me, this is where the d-sender changed all that. It made go home conditions extremely do able. That said, I felt a high level of control and seemed to excel to the point that my performance level is peaking. Fun factor high, game on!


I just guided Ryan and Josh up at Mica heli skiing. I have to tell you before Josh and Ryan showed up the pair of your A-lotta skis sat in our ski shop getting dusty. The boys (Josh & Ryan) had to sell me very hard on your skis. I thought that there was no way that a ski that wide could really be a good all mountain ski. I was wrong. It is the best all mountain ski for soft snow conditions. It is the only ski that I ski on now at the lodge with the exception of the days that I have to share them with guests.

I am a professionally certified ski guide with the Association of Canadian mountain guides. I have been ski touring and ski mountaineering all over western Canada for close to 15 years and have been guiding for eight. I ski well over 100 to 125 days a year. Currently I am one of the lead guides at mica heli and have exposure to over 300 heli ski guests per year.

I would love to ski on the A-Lotta and the D-Sender next season.

Rob Turner
Guide Mica Creek Heli Ski

All I can say is thank you, wow. Damn did I had the right skis for the job on Saturday, the guides and even the boarders were jealous of the a-lottas, a great feeling to be sportin the fattest boards in the rack. the snow proved to be steep and deep, i knew i caught the weather well but never expected the 2′-5′ of untracked pow i got into. it was perfect bluebird, 25 degrees out, got into all kind of fun runs. sessioned off a kicker some, mobbed down the cat tracks full-out, 50 degree ice crust, 4′ face shots, crazy straightlines…landed my biggest drop ever with ease. You have a very satisfied customer here! powder skiing better than i imagined it could be. much thanks.

Keep in touch if you ever need anything in Alaska, if you guys need an AK rep or photo shoot pack boy or crash pad, hit me up. Looking forward to showing off the new skis more and seeing you guys grow and prosper.

Think snow! Bill

Those skis kick ass. Fisrt day on them today and it was the best snow of the year in CB. I’m totaly pumped. People were already telling me they want to get them for next year. I can’t wait to get them up to pemberton.


Just wanted to drop you a note. The skis are just great! Took um down to Silverton 2 weeks ago, and I don’t know if I’ve had a better time in my life. Many (or not so many) great turns had at Berthoud already too! Nothing’s ever been quite as worth the wait.

Thanks a lot, Justin


Now that I’ve gotten in a fair number of days both lifted served and backcountry skiing, I just wanted to drop a quick line. (And, yes, I realize that Fat-ypus on longer offers the flat tail version of the ski, but I’ve skied both versions and loved them.)

These are really fun and versatile skis. Of course they are amazing in powder, but they hold their own on soft groomers and in soft variable conditions as well, like when that fresh powder starts to warm in the sun by late afternoon. The I-Rock’s versatility can also be attributed to both their stability and varied turning ability.

Originally mounted as a tele set up, I’ve since started touring on them with a tech biding and can attest to their being a terrific ski either way.

Great work!


Let me just state, my Powder Skiing has been sub-par for a while boots, skis etc. It seemed to be like the Da Vinci code of finding the right gear for me. My wife and I planned a trip to Alta so I thought it would be a good place to demo some powder skis. So checked one of the local shops before heading to Utah for some options and ran into Leonardo himself (Josiah Hughes) he said why don’t you try these I-Rock’s? Sure why not. So he was kind enough to lend me his brothers for the weekend (Thanks Mike,) Off to Alta …..Stoked. First of all these skis are somewhat intimidating with a lot of width under foot and I normally ski a 178-182cm 101mm /UF the I-Rock’s demoed are 186cm 126mm/UF. So first run on Supreme/ Challenger 16-20 inches of blower. 7 to 10 min later I’m on the lift in total shock, with a grin as big as the mountain trying to analyze what just went down. I look to the right from the lift and I can see my line and the Massive Bomb Hole from a 10 to 15 foot drop and thought did I do that? Yes I did, just have the sweetest powder run ever. Turns any way you wanted and transitions smooth as butter. It was like all at once the dynamics of skiing powder just clicked. Powder for me went from a chore to “I want more!!!” in one weekend. So after the Alta trip first day home I purchased a pair of my own and hit the mountain like I owned it. Groomers, Crud, and Powder this ski does it all!! I wish I would have found these a while ago. My world has been I-ROCKED “Hand Made in USA Get SOME”

Sincerely, Chuck R

On Deep powder days I grab my Fat-ypus I-Rocks and head for the deep and steep of Blackcomb mtn. I float effortlessly and carve up terrain with Steez. The rockered tip allows great speed through deep snow. The flex of this ski rules in variable conditions. I love this ski in the backcountry around Blackcomb, Rock on Fat-ypus!

Al Collis, Blackcomb Pro Ski Patrol

I just wanted to say thanks for designing and producing such great skis! I mounted the I-Rocks with Dynafit bindings and I have never enjoyed a ski or a day of skiing as much as yesterday. I look down the slope with a completely different attitude with these skis on and I feel like I can ski as well as my brain knows how to. They are just incredible! Clearly I have to sell everything else I own (because all of my other skis can’t hold a candle to the I-Rocks) and get ready for the next step up in a pair of Alottas. These skis were a super purchase for me and have me super stoked to ski ever better. Everyone was asking me about them, and all I could do was smile and tell them to hurry and get on board! I hope you become a millionaire.

Thanks! Andy

I just want to let you know that both Amy and I are enjoying our skiis immensely. The I-Rocks are the most incredible crud-bustin’, powder-floatin’, tree-dodgin’, groomer carvin’ skiis I’ve ever put on my feet. Nobody can keep up to me. I don’t hesitate to crash into the powder and back again. Amy is slaying the hill on her E-Motions. She’s going faster, straighter with more confidence than she’s ever gone before.

Sacha B.

Rode the i rock rockers for two days in Mammoth – OMG ! these suckers, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH rock !


As promised, I am writing you after the first three days on the I-Rocks. They really rock and I must tell you that I had to ski them in the conditions that they were least made for: iced groomers, frozen marmelade, frozen moguls. I still cannot understand how you have succeeded to make a ski that wide that carves on groomers like this one does… I am amazed by how much the ski appreciates a forward leaning position. They carve, turn on a dime and whenever they hit something like powder or marmelade they are the smoothest thing.


Hi boys!
I´m going to speak about the I-rock like a true mormon:
– Holy Jesus fucking christ what an awesomw ski. For Swedish conditions, this is the ultimate ski. So, thank you for thinking outside the box.

Best regards Jesper from the Swedish mountains

I finally got the opportunity to try out the I-Rocks yesterday at Loveland. They got about 4 inches of new snow, not exactly what California’s been getting but it wasn’t bad. I also brought along my 08/09 Moment Bibby Pros so that my buddy Pat could also ride the I-Rocks.

The skis definitely exceeded my expectations (and my buddy’s expectations) on all areas of the mountain and in all conditions! I was surprised how well they handled on the groomed trails which included hardpack, chopped up crud, crust, etc. What I liked the most is that the skis absorbed most of the shock while skiing. Very nice damp, yet lively feel compared to my Bibbys.

We also made our way over to some steeper powder fields off of Lift 8. I couldn’t believe the float I was getting! Also, while going down the mountain with speed, I was still able to make S turns in the powder which I have never been able to do. Skiing in the powder felt like a Sunday walk in the park! It was amazing! The light weight of the ski also helped to reduce fatigue and quad burn that I normally have at the end of the day on my other skis! I felt virtually no swing weight when going through the powder areas. I kept saying to myself how I had an “unfair advantage” over everyone else skiing that day!

I personally like the center-mounted feel of the ski and the low-rise rocker profile. The ski has the perfect amount of camber that I was looking for and the amount of rockering in the tip and tail were perfect and more than most skis I have been looking at.

My buddy really enjoyed the performance of the I-Rock also. So much in fact that he may be contacting you shortly with questions about a 186 I-Rock Flat Tail. He is looking for a mount that is back off center a bit and to get the flat tail to avoid “wash out” which he experienced on the full rockered ski a few times.

Overall, an amazing experience which will allow me to go with the I-Rock as my 1-ski quiver! Thanks so much for creating this great ski! Keep up the good work!


I-Rock FT Reviews

I demoed a pair of the fat-ypus “I Rock FT 186 skis” and wasn’t really sure what all the fuss was about with the fat skis. My friends were both skiing on their line 130 which they swear by & I was on my line 100. Before I bought the 100 they were telling to buy a fat ski. I wasn’t really sure if I needed a fat ski because the magazines say that a fat ski is only good for powder days, so once I demo’d the “I Rock” they didn’t have to ask me what I thought of them, the grin on my face said it all. I didn’t want to go back to my 100’s after that experience.
I honestly never thought that a fat ski would handle so good, because when I tried my friends 130’s they never felt as solid and were a much heavy ski and seemed slumberous in comparisons to the fat-ypus.

With a few days under my belt now they really hold an edge well on the groomers, then float in the powder, this ski enable me to ski everything! They’re also super light for such a fat ski. Skiing in deep powder is already the best, but this ski has made it better! Super playful and landings are super easy with a fat board under each foot. I can’t wait to take these back country.

Gavin E. Alberta Canada

Just wanted to say thanks for designing such a sick ski! I got the I-Rock FT and it is a great ski. Pow, crud, groomers, whatever….it rocks everywhere. You told me it would straighline with the best of them and you are right; no wobbles, no hooking, and no tail wash out. Bottom line is the I Rock FT is just a fantastic ski! I tell everybody at Crystal Mtn. (Washington) to buy them. Hope you had a great year and a great year coming up!


Ok so just when I thought I couldn’t like a ski more than the Alottas or the Desenders… WOW!!! People were snickering here in the East that they’d be great if I never turned… I showed them! They held and edge better than any race ski I’ve ever been on!

Thanks! ? T

D-Sender Reviews

I just wanted to give you my opinion on the skis now that I’ve had a chance to get them out in pretty much every condition.

I love them. They are absolutely great if it is just a little soft out and as the snow gets deeper they shine brighter. I like the stiffness and the length. I mounted them at the boot center mark which I was first a little skeptical of, as it seemed a little forward, however there has been no issue with that. They charge in pretty much any condition. Even slushy spring conditions.

I noticed with the rockered tip it takes a little more effort by the skier to engage the tip on groomers. But it is well worth the performance gained in softer snow. and it still holds an edge really well on the groomers.

Unfortunately I’ve tagged a few rocks, however when I flip the skis over the inspect the damage I find it to be quite minimal. They have proven to be a tough ski as well.

Overall the 194 D-Sender Rocker is an awesome, fat, all-around ski. I’m very stoked with my purchase.

Thanks, Devin

I have ski patrolled on my Fat-ypus 194 D Senders for the past season and a half. Their all round performance surpasses any ski that I have used in the last 12yrs of Patrolling. The abuse through rocks that I have given these skis would have destroyed a lesser ski. The fast ripping turns down wide open bowls, shredding tight trees, ripping up the grooming and blasting through crud have all been ridiculously easy and so fun with the D Sender, a great allround ski. I look forward to my new pair arriving soon.

Al Collis Blackcomb Pro Ski Patrol

I’m sure you don’t remember,but I’m the guy you sent a pair of 194 D-Senders to my brothers place in Orting,WA when I wanted to ski for the first time on them at Crystal. After 2 seasons of as many days as my time will allow,I’ve come to the conclusion that the D-Senders are everything you say about them and more!! I taught the Advanced Ski Clinics at Squaw for years and these skis are absolutely awesome! Extremely stable and just “the right amount” of dampness to them which is important to me. Just adds that much more to the ski. I can bi-sect dynamic turns onthem like they were a GS ski and then smoooth out in the DEEP. As far as durability, I hit a few things,but nothing to speak of as the edges are very resistant to nicks and hold a tune forever. Mine are 1&2 and mounted on the mark as per your instructions and perfecto!! Thanks Again for an unbelievable ski!!


I got to ski on the new D-senders that I recently purchased at Alta this past week in 2 feet of powder. I can only say that the are fantastic. Quick enough for the trees and float exceptionally well. Best ski I have skied on.


So while I was originally thinking that next season would be my first on the D-Senders I figured…why not bring them with me and at least have the bindings mounted onto them at the Footloose ski shop in Mammoth. So I did, then when I picked them up, the ski tech commented “all you need now is some powda”. So that day I took them out for a little cruise on the groomers just to see what they would be like and I was very happy with them.

The next day I wake up to a rare, late May, super dry, Alaska slider storm which had come in & had dropped 5-8 inches of powda in town which translates to about a foot on the mountain and because of the wind loading that mammoth has there were areas with a foot and a half of fresh. So I think, How fricking super lucky I am to have my D-Senders with me so I hit the slopes at 8:00 am when they open (midweek no one there) and I am getting first/fresh tracks on some late season sick pow. My pow skiing has reached a new level because off the D-senders. These boards are big mountain powda slayers and the deeper it is the better they ride. I am still smiling here at home 3 days after that trip.

THANK YOU again for making a fantastic ski that totally RIPS it…I am still laughing at how easy they are in the deeps/steeps! They truly are unfrickingbelievable skis designed so well with the early-rise tips and tails and I LOVE the 194 cm length. WOW!!


I’d just like to say thanks to you guys for making such a great ski. I don’t think I have ever enjoyed skiing so much as riding some of this late season pow on the D-senders. The extra enjoyment the D-Senders added to my skiing made them worth every penny. I also can’t believe how well the hold an edge on hard pack too. The skis are much more versatile than I thought they would be, I’m happy taking them out for some resort skiing even if there’s only a few inches floating about, or just blasting through crud on them (I have never come across a ski which crushes crud so easily). Keep up the good work.

Cheers, Alex

Went up to Crystal today and the D-senders performed fantastically as I hoped they would!! Plowed through everything and the 194 was extremely playful and quick turning. They were very easy to arc the groomers and were stable and smooth!! Thanks again for your help.


Overview of the D-Sender – I am a bit of a gear junkie and I have skied a bunch of all mountain/big mountain skis in the last year…Gotamas, Seths, Monster 103s, Supermojo 103s, Mantras, Blowers, B Squads, Sugar Daddys, Porohetes. I like some things about each of these skis and did not like some things about each. What I really like best about the DSender was that there was nothing I did not like. The D Sender does a lot of things really well. I would not say it is better than every ski out there at any one thing but, it is very, very good at pretty much everything. The DSender was very solid and grippy when the snow was hard. It carves a sweet round arc whether you are ripping groomers or negotiating mank or windbuff. It is quick enough to negotiate some deep tight slush bumps and strong enough to just blast through them. In the bits of pow I skied it seems to have excellent float…yup, I really liked this ski. Are there better straightlining skis…sure; better hucking skis…sure (not that I would know from experience since I am the ultimate white guy skier); skis that are more stable going mach looney through frozen chicken heads…sure…BUT, I have yet to find a ski that does so many things really well especially for my style (or lack thereof) and needs for an everyday ski.

Best qualities:
1. Versatility
2. Stabliity
3. BIG sweet spot – super easy to stay in the middle of the ski
4. Round turns…especially medium to long
5. Bomber construction – fat edges, tough bases and strong sidewalls

Bad Qualities:
1. 112 under foot took some getting used to on the firm stuff…note to self – stay off firm stuff
2. Have to answer a lot of chairlift questions about waterskis and where is the powder…


The ski was getting a lot of attention. Just to let you know this was the first ski I have ever paid above cost let alone full price, but I already know it is worth it. I am really excited about where the ski industry is going and want to support the local grass roots, ground floor companies such as fat-ypus (if you can find a moment you have to tell me how you got your name). I understand and respect turning an idea into reality, especially when it is bootstrapped. It takes a lot of balls.


D’Riddum Reviews

Skier Stats:
Height: 6′
Weight: 210#

The D’Riddum caught my attention with its 5 point design on a wider platform. This made a perfect all mountain Colorado ski. I primarily skied all season at Copper, and on this ski, with a trip to Silverton, and a ski descent of Quandary.

The 15m radius did very well on hardback, and was exceptional on soft groomers. Due to the width, you naturally have to really get your weight over the steel to get them to trench, and the shorter radius was great in helping to go edge to edge. That being said, they were great at speed as well, with little chatter. Only once did I experience tip chatter, and that was on Birds of Prey hitting 86mph, so that says a lot.

Having the amount of camber that these boards do, they never felt washy or felt that the tails would break loose early when exiting turns, they were pretty precise for how wide they are.

I hate bumps. So I pick a line and straight line them. These skis were great for that haha

They were everything I desire: wide enough for great float, stiff enough to drive them through skied up aprons, and held a precise line while being capable to be broken loose and sideways at speed. The platform they provide with the extra stiffness of the Athlete Model make them a great charger. They hold solid precise lines through beat up snow, and I could always load up the tail and get a lot of pop, something most skis aren’t able to do for me. My last run at Silverton was down The Grande: a wide open, shaded chute. I let these skis rip wide open with big GS turns and couldn’t imagine being on a more stable ski. At the same time, these skis can be broken loose for pow slashes over head walls and rollers.

The Graphite bases were bullet proof. I’ve been on several brands of skis, large and small companies, and these are the first graphite bases I’ve been on and am sold. They are way more durable than anything else, are very fast, and hold wax longer than usual. Not one core shot, and there were many times I was sure I’d be needing a base weld. The cores seem very solid, and didn’t get mushy towards the end of the season. Being a larger skier, and one who puts a lot of energy through the ski, I tend to feel my skis getting softer through the season. Not with these. The sidewalls were very durable and have no issues with cracks or dents.

Again, I cannot say how impressed I was with these skis, as well as yourself, taking the time out of your day to meet a local skier in your home. You have a returning customer who will be spreading the word.

D’Lirium Reviews

Theses suckers rock!
I am writing today to give a honest, no BS review of the D’Lirium’s that I purchased last year and now, finally have a few days under my belt with them, – I am 6’1″, 220 and , at first, I thought these may just not enough ski for me ( wrong)- I also ride the M5 and D’Riddums depending on how deep it is and this ski is a good complementary ski to be on when they are no freshies falling ( a quicker turning ski with the same “ride” if you will)- Overall the ski is quick, fast and a great set of boards for hardback conditions. They handle the steeps and bumps great , in fact, they shine in “old snow” that is bumped/ chopped up as well as being a fun ski to ride the groomers on. I’m not a park rat so I have no idea how they perform in the park but, odds are they work great.

Kurt S

B-Nasty Reviews

I bought a pair of B-Nastys for this season. Awesome ski I’m on the east coast an this ski handles everything rips in the bumps even the real firm ones than goes on the groomers and lots you make big turns. Skied it on crud and slush powder and ice you guys nailed this ski.


E-Motion Reviews

I’m not sure if people often tell you how much they love your skis but I just want to let you know that I really enjoy them! It’s been super fun this season! I attached a picture one of my buds took a few weeks back. Just wanted to say thanks for making sweet skis and keep doing what your doing!!

Kaity B

V-Rock Reviews

Hope you have had a great ski season so far. Mount Washington was a little slow to start but no complaints now – 78cm in the last 24 hours! Anyway, I have been able to get the V-Rocks [176] out quite a few times this year and thought I would let you know how they worked out.

Didn’t like them … I loved them!

I’ll start with a little background about my skiing. I’m not a ski instructor, guide, patroller or anyone with a wealth of skiing experience. I grew up skiing Whistler, Blackcomb and the local lower mainland mountains. My father was part of the first group of ski instructors on Whistler. Consequently, I grew up being microscopically evaluated on turning on groomers. Moguls and crud were skied if necessary to get to the groomed runs and powder skiing was a rare occurrence. Notwithstanding the fact that skiing either moguls or powder on 210 planks (I’m 5’6″) wasn’t very fun under most circumstances. As technology improved, I changed equipment over the years. My technique was a little harder to change. And no, I don’t have a senior’s pass although I have met some this year that could whip my 42 year old butt on the steeps!

I have been out of skiing for the last 10 years due to kids, work, $, time, etc. Last year I finally had had enough and replaced all my old equipment. I can ski pretty much anything that is in front of me except vertical. Do I do it well? Well, sometimes the entertainment value beats out quality. Currently I really enjoy my all mountain skis (Volkl Aurora Attiva) but they are not powder skis. Mt. Washington is known for their big dumps of snow (last night being classic) and I wanted to be able to take my skiing to a new level. I finally got rid of the last bad (old) technique, got the V-Rocks and had the best year ever.

Now for my thoughts on the V-Rocks:

I am really impressed by how stable and responsive these skis are in powder and crud. I have had these skis in everything from a few centimeters of fresh powder to thigh deep powder to thigh deep crud. These skis simply ride through and over anything you put in front of them. They respond to different densities of snow underfoot with stability and have never been twitchy or fished out. In untracked powder (the deeper the better) they are really smooth handling. In cut up powder and crud you don’t get bogged down and can actually ski the stuff. To the point where I would actually look for these conditions to have fun in! I don’t generally do drops but they were a great solid landing. The camber in the skis allows you to carve some pretty tight turns in the trees while still maintaining control. The only time these skis don’t perform is when my legs are too tired to actually do anything.

It’s not like I have never skied powder, crud, trees, steeps etc. in the past. Only now I actually can’t wait to get off the lift and get into these conditions.

As with any sort of review, you have to get the negative side as well. I did have a day on the V-Rocks where I had to ski some really solid, somewhat icy runs back to the car after being in powder. The skis did hold an edge but I was worn out and they are powder skis, not designed for those conditions. That’s it, I don’t have anything else negative to say. Other than feeling somewhat guilty (nope) when the lifties, people in the line-ups and on the chair have an envious look on their faces because they can’t do what I just did!

Because of these skis I have been able to take my skiing to a whole new level. Thanks to you and to Fat-ypus!

Cheers, Erika

Sass-e Reviews

I wanted to let you know I LOVE my Sass-e’s. They not only have the best graphics ever but are killer in all conditions. Thanks for making a rocking woman’s ski.
